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Apps Banned in Saudi Arabia

Apps Banned in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is one of the most prominent Islamic countries in the Middle East called as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The government of KSA had imposed some internet restrictions intended to prevent content that is offensive to Islamic religious values and Saudi Arabian Culture. The government restrictions are mainly focused on blocking websites of pornography, gambling, VoIP, and more which may affect national security and prevent the spread of extremist ideologies.

The people of Saudi Arabia and the ex-pats living in the country are using Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and proxy addresses and websites to unblock the internet restrictions in the country. Also, be informed that using VPN apps in the country is technically illegal and the culprits could face fines and even imprisonment. The government strictly monitors the internet and social media content in order to prevent extremist ideologies in the country.

Major Mobile Apps Banned in Saudi Arabia

Some of the major mobile apps that are banned in Saudi Arabia are:

  1. WhatsApp and Telegram (voice and video calls): The government has banned voice and video calls on this popular messaging to protect the revenues of the telecommunications companies owned by the Government.
  2. Snapchat: This app has been banned due to concerns over the sharing of inappropriate and sexually explicit content which has a potential negative impact on Saudi Arabian society.
  3. Skype: Voice and video calls on Skype have been banned in order to protect the revenues of the country’s telecommunications companies.
  4. Viber: This messaging app has been banned due to concerns over sharing inappropriate content and its potential negative impact on Saudi Arabian society.
  5. Grindr: This dating app has been banned due to the country’s strict laws regarding homosexuality.
  6. Facetime: Facetime is a VoIP calling service by Apple, which has been blocked by the ISPs in Saudi Arabia

Read More: How to Unblock WhatsApp Calling in the UAE

VoIP App Services in Saudi Arabia are Blocked

The Internet service providers blocked the VoIP apps including Facebook Messenger, Instagram calling feature, WhatsApp, Facetime, and more.

Read More: Why Numbers Banned from Using WhatsApp

Frequently Asked Questions on Apps Banned in Saudi Arabia

Is Telegram banned in Saudi Arabia?

In 2013 Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia banned the usage of telegram as it may cause and affect national security. later in 2017, the ban on the telegram application was lifted and the government announced that the telegram application could be used for online calls including audio and video calls, at the same time the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sensors the calls to the telegram application to make sure that it does not affect the national security. You can use a Free proxy for Whatsapp to unblock Telegram, WhatsApp, and other banned apps in Saudi Arabia

Is YouTube blocked in Saudi Arabia?

No the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not block YouTube. Still, the government strictly monitors the content on YouTube to make sure that it should not again have national and Islamic values.

Is Netflix banned in Saudi Arabia?

Yes, the Netflix application and website are available in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia also the Government of the country demanded Netflix not to stream any content that will be against Islamic and national values.

Is VPN legal in Saudi?

Yes the usage of VPN is legal in Saudi Arabia but the government has blocked the usage of voice-over-internet protocol applications and restricted usage of audio and video calls to make sure that it should be compliant with national security at the same time the Government of the country has blocked the some popular VPN applications and proxy websites. Anyway, the citizens and expects in the country can still access VPN applications for audio and video calling services and also to unblock the geo-restricted websites and applications

Saudi Arabia’s Internet restrictions

Article 39 of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Basic Law of Governance states that: The media is prohibited from spreading any content that affects the religious values and bolsters its unity. Read more on Internet Restrictions in Saudi Arabia.



About author

Visal Vadayar is a passionate Digital marketing professional from Kochi, Kerala. Highly experienced SEO and content marketing professional with 6+ years of experience.
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