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Is WhatsApp Banned in Saudi Arabia?

Is Whatsappp banned in Saudi arabia

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with billions of users worldwide WhatsApp has become the most downloaded messaging and VoIP application for Android and iOS. However, there are some restrictions regarding the usage and features of WhatsApp in countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and other Middle Eastern countries. There is no complete ban on WhatsApp in Saudi Arabia but WhatsApp features like Voice and video calling features have been restricted in Saudi Arabia. The Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced the ban on the Voice and video call feature of WhatsApp. However, the users can access the VoIP calling feature using free VPN applications like SPL VPN or Ryn VPN.

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Why WhatsApp Restrictions in Saudi Arabia

The government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has implemented restrictions on Whatsapp VoIP features citing concerns over national security. Due to the restrictions of WhatsApp millions of users are searching for alternatives for VoIP calls in the country. The ban on WhatsApp calling features had a significant impact on its users and businesses, most of the users heavily rely on WhatsApp for personal communication and professional purposes. Although many of the Whatsapp users in KSA are using VoIP calls using VPN applications by changing the country location and IP.

Alternatives to WhatsApp in Saudi Arabia

Due to the VoIP calling restrictions of Whatsapp the users in the country are relying on various other calling apps like Botim, Botim is the only calling app that works well in the KSA. Also, messaging apps like Telegram, Viber, and Signal had gained popularity in the country but later the government restricted these apps too. Also, the apps do not provide advanced features like WhatsApp and high-level end-to-end encryption. Also, you can use free or Paid Proxies to access WhatsApp, use the given banner below to access the best proxy.

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Are VPNs Illegal in Saudi Arabia?

VPN usage is not against the law in Saudi Arabia, thus the user is accessing WhatsApp calling features using VPN apps. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have been used to bypass internet restrictions, allowing users to access WhatsApp through servers located outside Saudi Arabia. You can select the preferred country where there is no Whatsapp restriction and use the best features.

Read More: Free Proxy Address for WhatsApp in Saudi Arabia

Frequently Asked Questions on WhatsApp Ban in Saudi Arabia

Is WhatsApp working in Saudi Arabia?

As of the current regulations, WhatsApp is not completely banned in Saudi Arabia. Only VoIP features of WhatsApp have been restricted in Saudi Arabia.

In which country is WhatsApp banned?

Apart from the WhatsApp calling restriction in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and Kuwait are the other countries where WhatsApp calling has been restricted.

Does WhatsApp work in Saudi Arabia in 2023?

Yes, Whatsapp work in Saudi Arabia in 2023, also the Whatsapp calling features will be blocked in Saudi Arabia in 2023.

Why can’t I call using WhatsApp in Saudi Arabia?

The Government of Saudi Arabia blocked the Whatsapp VoIP Calling features citing the country’s security.

Which messaging app works in Saudi Arabia?

While WhatsApp has restrictions in Saudi Arabia, several alternative messaging apps are accessible within the country. Popular choices include Snapchat, Telegram, Signal, and Viber, which offer similar functionalities to WhatsApp.

How can I get a Saudi WhatsApp number?

Obtaining a Saudi WhatsApp number requires having a valid Saudi Arabian mobile phone number. You can acquire one by subscribing to a local mobile service provider in Saudi Arabia.

Which calling app works best in Saudi Arabia?

Due to the ban on WhatsApp calling in Saudi Arabia, alternative calling apps like Botim, Skype, Zoom, and Google Duo are commonly used by individuals and businesses to make audio and video calls.

Which communication app works in Saudi Arabia?

In addition to messaging and calling apps, communication apps like Microsoft Teams and Slack are popular in Saudi Arabia for professional collaboration and communication.

Is Truecaller available in Saudi Arabia?

Yes, Truecaller is available and widely used in Saudi Arabia. It is a popular app for identifying incoming calls and managing spam calls.

About author

Visal Vadayar is a passionate Digital marketing professional from Kochi, Kerala. Highly experienced SEO and content marketing professional with 6+ years of experience.
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