What is ChatGPT & How to Use ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot developed by the Artificial Intelligence (AI) research company OpenAI. The chatbot uses a field of machine learning known as natural language processing to generate responses to users' questions and prompts.

How to use ChatGPT

Notably, ChatGPT is available only via a web page and the company is yet to release an official app. So be aware of duplicate or fake apps available on the app stores which are claiming to be official ChatGPT apps.

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Thick Brush Stroke



Visit chat.openai.com/

Login or Signup using your email id and phone number. Users can also use their WhatsApp number.

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Thick Brush Stroke



After signing up the main window will open. Under the info about ChatGPT, you will see a search bar.

Write your question in the search bar and enter.

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The AI will take a few seconds and will give you a related prompt.